SAK seeks to include aviation sector in incomes policy settlement

The Executive Board of the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK) is prepared to sign a new comprehensive incomes policy settlement as soon as negotiated accords are achieved in the aviation sector. A draft settlement already governs the terms of service of 80 per cent of employees organised in SAK-affiliated unions.
25.10.2013 16:53
The Executive Board of SAK

The national labour and employer confederations of Finland negotiated and signed a pact for employment and growth on 30 August, and the eight-week period set aside for associated collective bargaining in individual industries expired at 16.00 this afternoon.

Having repeatedly urged unions and their counterpart employers' federations to sign up to a comprehensive labour market settlement during the autumn, SAK President Lauri Lyly stresses that unions should now show some willingness to take a broader view of the current state of the labour market.

"The primary objective is to create more jobs in Finland, and current conditions make it essential to approve the new settlement. By maximising support for a medium-term labour market settlement, we also strengthen confidence in the future."

The national labour market confederations will hold a joint media conference at the headquarters of the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) at 17.00 today.