Ethical forum proposed by both trade union movement and NGOs

27.03.2001 08:36

The trade union movement and various NGOs would like to see the establishment in Finland of a discussion forum for the development of ethical company codes. All the organisations which are behind this proposal are of the opinion that the ethics of a company are significant in influencing the ordinary consumer in the decision to purchase. For this reason alone, it would be beneficial to companies to take their social responsibilities seriously and to pay attention to the global effect of their business activities.

Respecting workers' fundamental rights and human rights in general, and protecting the environment, are the main goals of the ethical codes of a company. Companies which honour these could gain a competitive edge because globalisation has increased the awareness and the interest of the general public in the principles upon which companies run their businesses. However, the substance of ethical codes varies greatly, and the implementation of these codes is not always sufficiently monitored.

In addition to SAK, STTK and AKAVA, which are the three major central organisations of Finnish trade unions, the idea of this forum is supported, amongst the individual trade unions in Finland, mainly by the Union of Commercial Employees and the Textile and Garment Workers' Union, both of which are affiliated to SAK. Among the NGOs which advocate the establishment of a discussion forum, for ethical codes of conduct in business, are the following:

- Amnesty International
- Kepa, the Development Cooperation Services Centre
- The National Church Council
- The Church of Finland Foreign Aid Centre
- The Fair Trade Association
- The Finnish Consumers' Association
- The Finnish Association for the Conservation of Nature