SAK trade unions
The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK) is a confederation of 18 trade unions representing a total of more than 800,000 individual members. These include childcarers, airline cabin crew members, bus and coach drivers, waiters, security guards, construction workers, paper industry process managers, electricians and dancers.

Trade unions negotiate wages and other terms and conditions of employment in their industries with one or more employer counterparts. The collective agreements reached through these negotiations determine key minimum terms and conditions related to working. These include minimum wage rates in the industry, working time, overtime compensation, pay for family leave, sick pay and days off.
Trade unions and their shop stewards provide assistance and advice to union members. They know such matters as the number of days for which sick pay is payable and how to respond, even when an employer dismisses an employee on the spot. Unions are ultimately prepared to defend the interests of their members by taking legal action if problems are not settled through negotiation.

The Border Security Union is the largest staff organisation of the Finnish Border Guard.

The Finnish Air Line Pilots’ Association SLL defends the interests of Finnair pilots.

The Finnish Aviation Union IAU is a trade union for professionals working in aviation technology and service functions.

Employees working in the building, construction product, asphalting, waterproofing, building technology and infrastructure sectors are organised in the Construction Trade Union.

Everyone working at the Finnish Customs is eligible to join the Customs Officers’ Union.

Employees working in electrotechnical and closely related occupations are organised in the Electrical Workers’ Union.

The Finnish Elite Athletes Union SHU represents football and ice hockey players.

The Finnish Musicians’ Union is a trade union for music performers.

The Non-Commissioned Officers Union primarily defends the interests of professional soldiers.

Employees of paper, cardboard and pulp mills and paper processing workers belong to the Finnish Paper Workers’ Union.

The Finnish Post and Logistics Union PAU is a trade union for clerical staff and operatives in the postal, messaging and logistics industries.

The members of the Prison Officers’ Association work for the Prison and Probation Service.

Members of the Finnish Seafarers’ Union work in maritime and inland waterway navigation or in related onshore positions.

The Finnish Social Democratic Journalists’ Union SSSL is the oldest organisation lobbying for the interests of employees in its sector in Finland.

The Finnish Transport Workers’ Union AKT is Finland’s largest trade union for professionals in the transport sector.

The General Union of Journalists YLL is a national left-wing federation of journalists, researchers and employees working in the communications industry.

The Industrial Union is Finland’s largest trade union for manufacturing.

The members of the Railway Union RAU work in the railways sector as locomotive drivers and signal operators, and in railway customer service and clerical functions.

PAM is a trade union for employees working in service sectors.

The Trade Union for Theatre and Media Finland, Teme represents professionals and students in the performing arts, the event industry, and the film and media sector.

JHL organises wellbeing professionals and students working in local and central government, wellbeing services counties, parishes and private wellbeing services.

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