Unions and agreements
A trade union defends your interests at work. This includes negotiating such matters as pay and working conditions on your behalf.
These pages provide some information about trade unions and how to join them. There is also some advice on the arrangements that govern the world of work, such as employment contracts and collective agreements.
800 000
over 100
Get to know the SAK trade unions
The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK) is a confederation of 18 trade unions. These unions have a total of more than 800,000 individual members, including childminders, airline cabin crew members, bus and coach drivers, waiters, security guards, construction workers, paper industry process managers, electricians and dancers.
The latest trade union news
Find your own trade union
A trade union can help when you need support in the world of work. The Tradeunion.fi service will help you find a suitable union according to your industry or the name of your workplace. Find your own union and join today!