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Bargaining round 2009-2010: Modest pay rises and "wait and see" tactics

Collective agreements

(Helsinki 29.01.2010 – Juhani Artto) On January 31 the collective agreement in the municipal sector and several other large and small collective agreements expire. And many more will expire in the next few months.

In agreements made so far in this bargaining round pay rises have been between 0.5 and about 1.0 per cent. The employer bastion EK (Confederation of Finnish Industries) declared last year that no agreement should exceed the 0.5 per cent limit but the line has not held.

However, in terms of money, the divergences have not been significant. But, for trade union morale, even a tiny move above the 0.5 per cent “pay anchor” has had a good effect.

Around many bargaining tables both parties have until now followed a “wait and see” tactic. It has largely been due to the tight control EK exercises over its member association in various industries.