SAK's Lyly proposes merger of six industrial trade unions

10.04.2007 10:16
Lauri Lyly

(Helsinki 09.04.2007 - Juhani Artto) A full merger is a more promising option than either closer cooperation or a model somewhere in between these two options. Thus concludes Lauri Lyly, director of SAK's policy development department, who was in December 2006 commissioned by six industrial trade unions to map options for their future relations.

The six unions involved are (rank and file members in 2006)

  • Chemical Workers' Union (47,600)
  • Finnish Electrical Workers' Union (32,300)
  • Finnish Media Union (24,200)
  • Metalworkers' Union (165,500)
  • Paper Workers' Union (47,100)
  • Wood and Allied Workers' Union (45,600)

Lyly proposes that the new union would begin to function at the beginning of 2010. He calls the new union as TEAM - the Union for Professionals of Technology (in Finnish: Teknologian ammattilaisten unioni).

Read more about the proposal in Trade Union News from Finland.