Tarja Halonen: Support for employees in India also has an impact on the competitiveness of Finnish labour

06.06.2011 13:10
President Tarja Halonen with Lauri Lyly, Tuire Santamäki-Vuori and Kalervo Kummola. Photo: Petri Laitinen

"The labour market is changing all over the world, and to manage this change the trade union movement needs stronger international cooperation," declared Tarja Halonen, President of the Republic of Finland, in her speech to the 18th SAK Congress on Monday. She underlined that solidarity to employees in India is not only an expression of international solidarity, it also offers the means to influence the competitiveness of Finnish labour.

"We all need cooperation - local, national and global," affirmed Halonen when thanking Finnish unionists for establishing the Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland 25 years ago. It manages and channels the support given by Finnish trade unions to their sister organisations in developing countries.

Halonen also spoke of the need to find employment for such groups who are currently underrepresented in the labour market, such as those who are only partly able to work, individuals with fragmentary work history, parents of young children and immigrant labour. She urged that focused measures be taken to improve their employment.

Photos from SAK's Congress (Flickr)