The number of job termination notices reduced in 2007

11.01.2008 13:39
In bakery. Photo: Ville Juurikkala

(Helsinki 8.1.2008 - Juhani Artto) In 2007 companies operating in Finland gave notice to almost 4,400 employees, according to the figures of the largest union confederation, SAK. The number decreased considerably from 2006 when over 7,500 lost their jobs as a result of dismissal.

Also the number of employees, covered by negotiations due to the regulations of the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings*, was cut by almost half. The Act obliges an employer to negotiate within representatives of the personnel, in line with the so called co-operative procedure, whenever a company plans to implement essential changes, such as mass termination of employment.

In 2007 these co-operative procedures covered over 24,000 employees. In 2006 the number was about 43,000.

Despite the reduction SAK regards the number of notices of termination as being high. Sustainable corporate social responsibility should mean holding on to capable personnel, says Janne Metsämäki, lawyer at SAK's industrial policy department.

SAK demands greater rights for employees in a situation where their employer organisation undergoes significant changes. More support for re-employment efforts and better unemployment benefits should be guaranteed, Metsämäki insists.

In 2007, in Finland, the highest number of job termination notices were handed out by the following: Perlos (1,132), M-real (397), Elcoteq (326), HKScan (291), Aspocomp (274), Metso (210) and Nokia (183).