SAK-affiliated unions

SAK is a confederation of 18 trade unions in industry, the public sector, transport, private services, culture and sports.

Border Security Union

The Border Security Unionis the largest staff organisation of the Finnish Border Guard service. The union is affiliated to the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL.

Ratamestarinkatu 11, 7th floor
00520 Helsinki
Tel. (09) 148 5824


Construction Trade Union

The members of the Construction Trade Union work on construction and renovation sites (including the house building, painting and decorating, and flooring trades), in the building materials industry, in the building technology and civil engineering sector, and in asphalting and waterproofing.

Siltasaarenkatu 4
P.O. Box 307
00531 Helsinki
Tel. 020 774 003


Finnish Air Line Pilots’ Association SLL

SLL takes care of the interests of Finnair's air line pilots.

Tikkurilantori 1 LT 4
01300 Vantaa
Tel. 09 753 7220


Finnish Aviation Union

IAU is a trade union for professionals engaged in technical and service duties in the aviation sector.

John Stenbergin ranta 6
P.O. Box 337
00531 Helsinki
Tel. (09) 478 571


Finnish Customs Officers’ Union

The members of the Finnish Customs Officers' Union are employees and public servants working at the Finnish Customs.

The union is affiliated to the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL.

Pitkäsillanranta 3 B
00530 Helsinki
Tel. (09) 701 8115


Finnish Electrical Workers’ Union

The members of the Electrical Workers' Union work in the electrical industry and allied trades, or are studying for associated industry qualifications. The three main divisions of the union are energy-ICT-network technology, electrification work (electrical fitters in the building technology sector), and industrial and special sectors.

Aleksanterinkatu 15
P.O. Box 747
33101 Tampere
Tel. (03) 252 0111


Finnish Elite Athletes Union SHU

SHU is a confederation of two associations representing footballers and ice hockey players.

c/o SJRY
Itäkatu 1-5, PL D207
00930 Helsinki
Tel. 0400 529029


Finnish Food Workers’ Union

SEL is a dedicated trade union for employees working in the national food and drink sector.

Asemamiehenkatu 2, 8th floor
00520 Helsinki
Tel. 09 4246​ 1200


Finnish Industrial Union

The Finnish Industrial Union is Finland’s largest industrial sector trade union. It was established in January 2018 following a merger of Metalworkers' union, Industrial Union TEAM and Woodworkers' Union.

Hakaniemenranta 1
P.O. Box 107
00531 Helsinki
Tel. 020 774 001


Finnish Musicians’ Union

The members of the Finnish Musicians' Union are orchestral musicians and freelancers in various branches of music.

Pieni Roobertinkatu 16, 5th floor
00120 Helsinki
Tel. (09) 6803 4070


Finnish NCOs’ Union

The main mission of the Finnish NCOs’ Union is to safeguard the interests of professional military personnel.

The union is affiliated to the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL.

Ratamestarinkatu 11, 7th floor
00520 Helsinki
Tel. 050 336 4550


Finnish Post and Logistics Union

PAU is the trade union for clerical and blue-collar employees working in postal services, communications and logistics. PAU is the largest trade union representing staff of Posti Corporation.

John Stenbergin ranta 6
00530 Helsinki
Tel. (09) 613 116


Finnish Prison Officers’ Union

The members of VVL work for the Criminal Sanctions Agency. The union is affiliated to the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL.

Viherniemenkatu 5 A 6
00530 Helsinki
Tel. (09) 25 223 400


Finnish Seafarers' Union

The Finnish Seafarers' Union represents employees who mainly work in maritime and inland shipping.

John Stenbergin ranta 6
00530 Helsinki
Tel. (09) 615 2020
Fax (09) 6152 0227


Finnish Social Democratic Journalists’ Union

SSSL is a vehicle for workers sympathetic to social democratic principles engaged in journalism duties for the printed and electronic media, and in information and public relations functions. This union does not conclude collective agreements and does not operate an unemployment fund.

P.O. Box 373
00531 Helsinki


Finnish Transport Workers’ Union (AKT)

AKT is Finland’s largest trade union for transport sector professionals.

John Stenbergin ranta 6
P.O. Box 313
00531 Helsinki
Tel. (09) 613 110


General Union of Journalists

YLL is a left-wing vehicle for staff working for newspapers and electronic media, and full-time public relations and media employees. This union does not conclude collective agreements and does not operate an unemployment fund.

P.O. Box 256
00531 Helsinki
Tel. 050 550 6172


Paperworkers’ Union

The Paperworkers' Union represents employees working in paper, paperboard and pulp mills, and in paper conversion plants.

Hakaniemenranta 1
P.O. Box 326
00531 Helsinki
Tel. 0102 897 700


Railway Union (RAU)

Members of the Railway Union work as locomotive drivers, clerical employees and in other associated duties in the railways sector.

The union was established in November 2018 following a merger of the Railway Salaried Staff's Union and the Finnish Locomotivemen's Union.

John Stenbergin ranta 6
00530 Helsinki
Tel. 09 5422 1500


Service Union United (PAM)

PAM is Finland's largest trade union for private sector service employees and supervisors.

Siltasaarenkatu 18 A, 8th floor
P.O. Box 54
00531 Helsinki
Tel. 020 774 002


Theatre and Media Employees in Finland - Teme

Teme unites organisations representing eight cultural sectors into Finland's largest trade union for artistic and cultural occupations.

John Stenbergin ranta 6, 4th floor
00530 Helsinki


Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors (JHL)

JHL organises social welfare professionals and students working for local authorities, central government agencies and private welfare services.

P.O. Box 101
Sörnäisten rantatie 23
00531 Helsinki
Tel. 010 77 031


Union of Foremen in Commerce

The Union of Foremen in Commerce is an independent lobbying vehicle for supervisors that is not affiliated to any commercial grouping.

Harjulankatu 4 A 1
P.O Box 30
15101 Lahti
Tel. (03) 875 800