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Serious grounds

Now there are #SeriousGrounds for action.

Trukki ja kontteja pinottuna satama-alueelle, osa konteista on punaisia ja ne muodostavat sydämen konttien keskelle.

The cuts and losses of rights planned by the Finnish Orpo-Purra Government will fall particularly on the working population and on the most vulnerable in society.

What is #SeriousGrounds?

SeriousGrounds is a campaign that unites all SAK trade unions and their members under a common banner. It discloses and raises a national debate on how badly the Finnish Government is treating workers, the unemployed and the most disadvantaged in our society.

We workers will indeed have serious grounds for concern if the next four years develop as the Government is seeking. We are the target of numerous cuts motivated not by economic necessity, but by a desire to increase the power of employers. Our social welfare is on the chopping block. The outcome of this poorly planned and hastily implemented package will not be an influx of new workers, but of poverty.

A catalogue of Orpo-Purra Government cuts

The restrictions on the right to strike are already implemented, as well as most of the cuts in social welfare. The Government is right now preparing the changes in terms and conditions of employment.

Erosion of working conditions

Restrictions on the right to strike

Cuts in social welfare

Serious Grounds logo on a black background.

Download the #SeriousGrounds logos

Download the #SeriousGrounds logos in English, Finnish and Swedish from our Flickr channel.

Download and print information about political strikes and the catalogue of cuts in English, Ukrainian and Russian

Why have the unions launched political strike action?

Чому профспілки розпочали політичні страйки? (in Ukrainian)

Почему профсоюзы начали политические забастовки? (in Russian)