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SAK objectives for the legislative period 2003-2007

The Finnish Parliamentary elections will be held on 16th March 2003.

Taking measures to manage the large-scale generation transfer in Finland is one of the main tasks of the next Government and Parliament. Finland is facing an unforeseen generation transfer in working life, and the most extensive change in age-composition since the war. Already during the present decade, 700,000 – 800,000 employees will retire from working life, in other words one third of all Finnish employees will be replaced by others till 2010.

The Finnish Parliamentary elections will be held on 16th March 2003. Last week SAK published its objectives for the legislative period 2003-2007. The objectives are now available also in English: see the link below.

SAK objectives for the legislative period 2003-2007. Finnish model – results by means of confidence and cooperation.